legalize nuclear bombs


I recently changed my mind on gun control.

Then the "legalize nuclear bombs" audio went viral on TikTok. I remember one of the videos instrumental in my change of heart being this one. See here for more information on the origin of the sound (basically it was just a part of some random song and went viral). I thought it was hilarious at the time, and it really stuck in my head. I started thinking about it more deeply over the next days.

And so now I'm anti-gun. I think guns should be pretty much banned. Sure, there are some uses for things like hunting or farming where owning a gun makes sense, but that balance seems to already have been fairly well struck in Canada, so any additional restrictions that don't infringe on utility would be welcome in my opinion.

I'm not sure why I wanted to write all this out, and looking back on it now it seems kind of useless. I kind of just thought it was funny I changed my mind on a serious issue because of a meme, and maybe someday it'll be interesting to look back on how I thought about things like this. lol